
Who We Are…

Life Line Health Options, Inc. is a non-profit organization under section 501 (c) (3) that provides free physical fitness, nutrition programs and other health options to those who have been diagnosed with a medical illness. These services are available to all, but we cater to those who are without health insurance. LLHO, Inc. also serves as an advertising platform for those serving in the health and wellness industry. We are incorporated in Maryland and are seeking to expand.

What We Strive For…

We strive to provide knowledge and expertise on how to live a healthy lifestyle, as well as teach on how to adapt to life’s circumstances. Our goal is to help everyone live a longer lifespan and seek the ultimate source that provides that achievement. We believe being diagnosed with an illness is not the end of one’s life; it means there is a new way of living.

Life Line Health Options, Inc. enjoys working with other charitable nonprofits and the community to help individuals in need, no matter what that need may be.


Make a Donation…

Warm-hearted people always seem to find a way to help others. They don't look for rewards or medals; They do it because they care.

Thank you kindly for your generous donation towards our mission.
